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Information about

Staff members:

Mrs N Fenn (NFE) Curriculum Leader

Mr K Harrison (KAH) Teacher (part time)

Mrs C Jordan (CJO) Teacher (part time)


​​Curriculum Intent

To develop students logical and computational thinking skills which can be transferable.


To develop student’s problem solving skills enabling them to become resilient in their learning.

Provide a high quality, enriching and innovative curriculum using the very latest technologies.

To teach students how to be safe and responsible digital citizens.

Provide opportunities where pupils can make, test and refine a digital artefact for a specific purpose and with a specific audience in mind.

To allow students to develop the skills required for KS4 Computer Science and IT.

Computing Scheme of work

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10 BTEC

GCSE Computing Science

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