Curriculum, Prospectus and Option Blocks
During Year 11 we work hard to ensure that each student chooses the best route in education or employment/training following the completion of GCSEs. Many students will wish to enrol in Sixth Form. It is important that we work closely with students and parents to select courses that are suitable.
We know from experience that students will need at least 5 GCSEs or equivalent at grade 9-4 to be successful in many of our traditional A Level courses. We also know that students achieving 5 grades at 9-4 with most grades at 5 or 4 will benefit from a mixture of A Level, vocational or applied courses.
Students will need to select three subjects to study from separate option blocks. All three subjects will be studied in both Year 12 and Year 13. (In exceptional circumstances where a student is predicted the highest grades in all GCSE subjects undertaken and with close guidance from a pathways advisor, some students may be able to select four subjects for study.)
Students who enroll in our Sixth Form who have not yet achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE English and/or GCSE Maths are required to attend re-sit lessons. This is compulsory. Please note that students may require further discussions with sixth form leaders to ensure that all expectations have been met before a final decision is made about the most appropriate programme of study.