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0191 216 1115


Information about

Staff members:

Ms J Torbitt (JTR) Curriculum Leader

Mrs J Proudlock (JOP) Assistant Curriculum Leader

Mr A Scott (AWS) Teacher

Mrs J Elliott (JAE) Teacher / Mathematics Assessment and Numeracy Lead

Dr T Fisher (TFI) Teacher (part time)

Mr M Kearns (MKE) Teacher

Mrs L Riccalton (LOR) Teacher / Acting Assistant Curriculum Leader

Mr O McCorry (OMC) Teacher

Mr T Haigh (THA) Teacher

Mr J Wall (JWL) Teacher

Mr S Halliday (SHA) Science / Maths Teacher

Miss S Clark (SCL) Science / Maths Teacher


Curriculum Intent

The Mathematics Department will provide students with exciting, relevant and challenging Mathematics.

Students will understand the underlying principles of the mathematics they learn, making links and developing reasoning and problem-solving skills. Students will become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.

Students will progress towards being independent mathematicians who can identify correct and incorrect work for themselves. Where work is incorrect, students will be encouraged to use their mistakes to make further improvements and ultimately increase their resilience when faced with challenging topics.

Building confidence in mathematics will be the key to all lessons and students will be challenged in order to maximise their potential.

The Mathematics department will provide interesting and effective lessons, accurately diagnose weaknesses in all students and ensure appropriate interventions take place in order to ensure good progress for all students


Home Learning

Years 7-10 are set weekly home learning on Sparx Maths.

This can be accessed here:

Students can log in with their specific Sparx username and password or, alternatively, if they click "Sign in with Microsoft," they can log in using the username and password they use to access the IT system at school


Home learning is set every Wednesday and due every Tuesday. It is personalised to each student and consists of tasks on recently studied work as well as some consolidation work based on prior learning. The more learning that students complete on Sparx Maths, the better the personalisation will become.


We offer Sparx Club after school each Thursday in the library. Students can attend to complete home learning with support from Maths teachers. Students are welcome to stay to complete all of their home learning or simply drop in to get help with a small part of it.


Year 11 home learning is more varied depending on the needs of the class and may be paper based or include Sparx Maths. However, all Year 11 students are encouraged to use Sparx Maths as part of their independent study and revision, as it is an excellent way to support and consolidate their classroom learning.

Mathematics Scheme of work

Curriculum Overview 2024-25

Maths Know It Knowledge

Year 13 Scheme of Work

Year 12 Scheme of Work

Year 11H Scheme of Work

Year 11F Scheme of Work

Year 10H Scheme of Work

Year 10F Scheme of Work

Year 9 Scheme of Work

Year 8 Scheme of Work

Year 7 Scheme of Work

Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE12 6SA


0191 216 1115

Peter Douthwaite

Deputy Headteachers:
Kathryn Williams
Louise Dunn

Opening Times:
Office hours - Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.00pm and
 Friday 8.00am to 3.30pm

School day:
Begins at 8:25 with First Bell and Students report to Tutor Rooms


Contact Us

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