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0191 216 1115


Information about
Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium 

Our Aim:

At George Stephenson High School, our Pupil Premium aim is to ensure every child, regardless of background, thrives in an inclusive and supportive environment by addressing barriers to learning, delivering high-quality teaching, and fostering ambition, community, and respect to enable lifelong success.


Key Priorities:

  1. High-Quality Teaching for All

    • Ensure all pupils, particularly disadvantaged students, benefit from consistently excellent teaching practices.

    • Embed evidence-informed teaching approaches to close attainment gaps.

  2. Targeted Support and Interventions

    • Provide tailored interventions to address specific barriers to achievement, such as academic support, literacy and numeracy programmes, and SEMH-focused strategies.

    • Monitor and evaluate the impact of interventions regularly to ensure effectiveness.

  3. Attendance and Engagement

    • Reduce the attendance gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students through targeted attendance strategies and support.

    • Foster strong connections with families to improve pupil engagement and participation.

  4. Enrichment and Personal Development

    • Create opportunities for disadvantaged pupils to engage in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and enrichment programs to enhance confidence and aspirations.

    • Broaden horizons with access to cultural, sporting, and career-focused experiences.

  5. Building an Inclusive Culture

    • Cultivate a school environment rooted in the core values of ambition, community, and respect.

    • Support staff development to ensure understanding and responsiveness to the unique needs of disadvantaged students.

  6. Collaboration with Stakeholders

    • Work closely with pupils, families, and external agencies to create a network of support that addresses both academic and pastoral needs.

    • Establish robust systems for communication and partnership working.

  7. Effective Use of Data and Evidence

    • Utilise detailed data analysis to identify trends, target support, and measure the impact of interventions.

    • Align strategies with national research and evidence to maximize outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.

  8. Developing Resilience and Lifelong Skills

    • Equip students with the skills, confidence, and resilience required for success in education and beyond.

    • Focus on building self-esteem and motivation to overcome challenges and achieve personal goals.

By addressing these priorities, George Stephenson High School aims to ensure every disadvantaged pupil can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.


Who is eligible:

Pupil Premium is additional funding provided by the UK government to schools to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils, ensuring they have the same opportunities to succeed as their peers.

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools for pupils who meet the following criteria:

  1. Free School Meal (FSM) Eligibility

    • Pupils who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years (Ever 6 FSM).

  2. Looked After Children (LAC)

    • Pupils currently in the care of the local authority or who have been in care for one day or more.

  3. Previously Looked After Children (Post-LAC)

    • Pupils who have been adopted from care, are under a special guardianship order, or are under a child arrangements order.

  4. Service Children

    • Pupils with a parent who is a serving member of the regular armed forces or has been at any point in the last six years (Ever 6 Service Child). This funding is provided through the Service Pupil Premium.

If you have any questions about eligibility, please contact your child’s Guidance Manager in the first instance

Funding Allocation and Pupil Numbers:


Pupil premium funding allocation for 2024-25



Year Group

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Number of Students












Key Support, Intervention and Activities:

Key Stage 3

  • Transition Projects with Primary Schools

  • Liaison with Primary School leaders for information gathering

  • Attendance monitoring and reward initiatives for students below 90%

  • Careers and Option guidance with specialist staff

  • Raising Achievement initiatives informed via Progress Checks

  • Cross-Curriculum opportunities through Dimension Days

  • External Visits and Internal Workshops with specialist providers for academic and pastoral intervention

Key Stage 4

  • Staff Mentoring Programme to help preparation for GCSE exams and Post-16 Transition where appropriate

  • Small group additional tuition in Maths and English for identified Year 11 students

  • Peer Mentoring Scheme across a range of subjects for Year 11 students to aid knowledge and skill development

  • GCSE Support Materials provided where appropriate

  • Aspirational Progression Pathways explored via Employer, College and University visits

  • Work Experience Support and Guidance where required

  • Work Based Learning placement opportunities where appropriate

  • Mock Job Interview Experience and Feedback from Professional Employers

  • Vocational Curriculum Pathway including tailored and accessible Level 2 qualifications appropriate for some students

All Year Groups

  • Regular training for teaching and support staff about Pupil Premium, RADY Approach, Quality First Teaching and the Inclusive Classroom

  • Whole School and Departmental Raising Achievement Visits and Initiatives

  • Targeted Revision, Catch Up Workshops and Academic Support Clubs

  • Financial Support for educational activities where appropriate

  • More frequent monitoring and contact with Parents regarding progress and attendance

  • Nutritional support where needed

  • Access to Uniform and PE Kit

  • Bespoke Social and Emotional Intervention where needed

Strategy and Evaluation

Please see below for how the Pupil Premium is spent and evaluated at GSHS.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027 (including Evaluation 2023-2024)

Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE12 6SA


0191 216 1115

Peter Douthwaite

Deputy Headteachers:
Kathryn Williams
Louise Dunn

Opening Times:
Office hours - Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.00pm and
 Friday 8.00am to 3.30pm

School day:
Begins at 8:25 with First Bell and Students report to Tutor Rooms


Contact Us

Please use the form below to contact the school then press the Submit button.

Thank you for submitting your query.

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