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Safeguarding and
Child Protection

Safeguarding and Child Protection

We take the health and wellbeing of our students very seriously. We are proud that safeguarding has a high profile at George Stephenson High School and our everyday practices support our commitment to keeping our students safe.

All of our staff receive regular Safeguarding training to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge to spot concerns and are aware of how to report these if appropriate. We will not promise confidentiality to any young person and, where possible, we will always share concerns with parents so that we can work closely to address the problem or issue.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Louise Dunn (Deputy Headteacher) and support comes from her Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Alex Lunn (Assistant Headteacher), the other Guidance managers in school, and our Student Support Worker, Ruth Law. The Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Andrew Elliott.

If you are concerned about your child or another young person you can contact Mrs Dunn or Mr Lunn at school.

Child Protection in School - Guidance for Parents and Carers

External Support for Parents

Pupil Premium Strategy For Parents

Safeguarding Policies

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