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0191 216 1115


The School Day

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


8:00 - Building open to students

8.25 - First Bell – report to Tutor Rooms

8.30 – 8.55 - Morning Registration/Assembly

8.55 – 9.45 - PERIOD 1  (50 minutes)

9.45 – 10.40 - PERIOD 2  (55 minutes)

10.40 – 10.55 - Break

10.55 – 11.45 - PERIOD 3  (50 minutes)

11.45 – 12.35 - Early Lunch

11.45 – 12.35 - PERIOD 4 (50 minutes)


12.35 – 1.15 - PERIOD 4 (50 minutes)

12.35 – 1.15 - Late Lunch


1.15 – 2.10 - PERIOD 5  (55 minutes)

2.10 – 3.00 - PERIOD 6  (50 minutes)

Early Lunch

Week 1: Years 7, 8, 12, 13

Week 2: Years 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Late Lunch

Week 1:  Years  9, 10, 11

Week 2:  Years  7, 8

(Y12/Y13 Late on Thursday)



8.00 - Building open to students

8.25 - First Bell – report to Tutor Rooms

8.30 – 8.55 - Morning Registration/Assembly

8.55 – 9.45 - PERIOD 1  (50 minutes)

9.45 – 10.40 - PERIOD 2  (55 minutes)

10.40 – 10.55 - Break

10.55 – 11.45 - PERIOD 3  (50 minutes)

11.45 – 12.35 - Early Lunch

11.45 – 12.35 - PERIOD 4 (50 minutes)

12.35 – 1.15 - PERIOD 4 (50 minutes)

12.35 – 1.15 - Late Lunch

1.15 – 2.10 - PERIOD 5  (55 minutes)

2.20 – 4.00 - Staff CPD

Early Lunch

Week 1:  Years  7, 8, 12, 13

Week 2:  Years  9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Late Lunch

Week 1:  Years  9, 10, 11

Week 2:  Years  7, 8

Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE12 6SA


0191 216 1115

Peter Douthwaite

Deputy Headteachers:
Kathryn Williams
Louise Dunn

Opening Times:
Office hours - Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.00pm and
 Friday 8.00am to 3.30pm

School day:
Begins at 8:25 with First Bell and Students report to Tutor Rooms


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