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0191 216 1115


Educational Visits
and Trips

Educational Visits and Trips


Parents/Guardians are able to make payments online by Credit/Debit Card or by PayPal using the ParentMail System. Currently over 99% of Parents/Guardians are registered to use ParentMail for school trips, revision guide payments and any other school activities.

Parents who are unable to pay online can use a PayPoint facilty.  You must request a barcode from the school and you can pay cash at your local PayPoint.

When you make a PayPoint payment, your account and your school will be notified by 3 pm the following day.  For this reason, we advise if you are paying for something on a first come, first served basis, that you pay online or through PayPal to avoid missing out. Please note, you can only pay with a PayPoint barcode if the item is above £5 and below £149.99. 

Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE12 6SA


0191 216 1115

Peter Douthwaite

Deputy Headteachers:
Kathryn Williams
Louise Dunn

Opening Times:
Office hours - Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.00pm and
 Friday 8.00am to 3.30pm

School day:
Begins at 8:25 with First Bell and Students report to Tutor Rooms


Contact Us

Please use the form below to contact the school then press the Submit button.

Thank you for submitting your query.

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