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0191 216 1115


Information about

Staff members:

Mr C James (CAJ) Curriculum Leader

Mrs L Shipley (LMS) Assistant Curriculum Leader

Mr S Tyson (SJT) Teacher

Mrs F Barclay (FBA) Teacher

Mrs R Bell (RCB) Progress Lead / Teacher (part time)

Mr B A'Court (BAC) Teacher

Mr A Withers (ACW) Teacher / STEM Coordinator

Mrs A Brindle (ABR) Assistant Curriculum Leader

Mrs L Middlemas (LMI) Senior Science Technician

Ms L Richardson (LSR) Science Technician

Ms A Gallagher (AGL) Teacher

Mr S Halliday (SHA) Science / Maths Teacher

Miss S Clark (SCL) Science / Maths Teacher


Curriculum Intent


  • To provide students with exciting opportunities to develop scientific thinking, challenge misconceptions and enable secure understanding of significant scientific ideas to enable them to become confident adults; able to question and challenge what they read to make informed decisions for their future.​

  • To allow for spiraled progression of fundamental science principles by building upon prior knowledge and skills using quality first teaching strategies.​

  • To inspire students, raise ambition and Science capital through explicit career links.​

  • To develop the practical skills of young, competent scientists who can gather valid data safely and reliably.​

  • To develop students' disciplinary literacy and numeracy to allow them to articulate their scientific understanding, analyse data and evaluate methodology with accurate use of terminology.​



  • To foster a respect for the learning of Science for themselves and others in an inclusive and conducive learning environment.​

  • To develop a sense of responsibility and accountability as reflective, independent learners of Science beyond the classroom.​



  • To adapt teaching to the needs of students as individuals to ensure all students are appropriately included, supported and challenged to reach their full potential.​

  • To foster a curiosity for Science beyond the classroom through shared, contextual experiences, allowing students to confidently apply secure scientific understanding to new, unfamiliar and challenging contexts and achieve the best possible outcomes across KS3, KS4 and KS5.​

  • To offer all students equal opportunity of a range of enriching extra-curricular opportunities across STEM through strong external relationships within the community.​

Science Scheme of work

Science Curriculum Map

KS5 Curriculum Mapping

KS3-KS4 Curriculum Mapping

Year 8 and Year 9 Establishing Overviews

Year 7 Fundamental Overviews

GCSE CS Physics

GCSE CS Chemistry

GCSE CS Biology

Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE12 6SA


0191 216 1115

Peter Douthwaite

Deputy Headteachers:
Kathryn Williams
Louise Dunn

Opening Times:
Office hours - Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.00pm and
 Friday 8.00am to 3.30pm

School day:
Begins at 8:25 with First Bell and Students report to Tutor Rooms


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